Queen Of Charcuterie

by @robheron1

Skirmish: A Truly Impressive Pile o... (@ajna1960)
Queen Of Charcuterie

Liner Notes

Cheesy skirmish tune. I don't mind this. Its a little disrespectful of farming folks but I like it 'cause its on the verge of being a fiddle tune. Happy FAWM all!



In a small town in Quebec
Eastern Townships
Lived a simple milking maid
With working woman's hips

Not blessed with brains or beauty
Plain describes her looks
Those folks who knew said she
Was an awful cook

She was the Queen Of Charcuterie
The best there'd ever been
Gourmands came from far a way
To taste her curdled (moldy) cream

She couldn't boil an egg
Or make a decent cup of tea
But with an old board and a bit of cheese
She'd craft charcuterie

He was a simple plowboy
By simple I mean dumb
But he could plow straight and true
Stronger than anyone

He had no use for books
Was not impressed by Art
But when he saw little Annie
He felt the quickning of his heart


With a little bit of cheddar
Some blue and some brie
Some meat and pickling something
She'd make charcuterie

And though he lived on gruel
And longed for nothing more
When she laid her board before him
He felt a love not known before


Charcuterie, charcuterie
How do you spell

Charcuterie, Charcuterie
What the hells that smell?


Hilarious!! Love this!
Reminds me so much of Johnny Cash. I love that there is a song featuring charcuterie now.
Laughing all the way! Love this!
What a cute song. Very enjoyable to listen to. I saw the prompt but I had no idea what to write about. You did a great job. Beautiful singing and playing.
I love this. Been to Quebec, have a great visual. Awesome tune!
This is very cute! The title hooked me in straight away!
Brilliant - both lyrics, vocals and music/melody - I love it :)
At it again! Your songs always crack me up. Never thought I'd hear a charcuterie song
Good storytelling! Excellent picking and fun lyrics. Nice work!
This was lovely and definitely set my morning off on the right foot. Although I do think it has left me with a desire to track down a charcuterie board of my own 😂
Formidable! Great picking and adorable lyric. Smiling ear to ear!
What a delightful and catchy song about charcuterie! I particularly liked the storytelling in the lyric. Nice angle on the skirmish.
Great storytelling. I love how the "bouncing bass line" sound trucks along. Really nice delivery. "By simple I mean dumb" was my favorite lyric. Top notch!
I enjoyed that a lot, the by simple, I mean dumb line cracked me up.
Now this sounds inspired! I smiled all the way through this. Funny lyrics and a catchy chorus to boot. Well done, great start to this year's FAWM 😊