Your Real Name

by @saulius

Liner Notes

Yesterday I was humming the chorus of Clapton's unplugged version of Layla in my head, when I switch the words to "when you finally learn and know your real name". The lyrics popped after that.

I'm playing around with the chords and melody. So far it's a blues shuffle. I recorded the first part. But I have a work shift today so I can't work on this until this evening, US Pacific Time.

If anyone wants to give this thing a shot. I'm open to any ideas musically.


/ Em6 /A7add6 B7 / Em /
When you finally learn and know your real name
/ Am7 / D9 / G6 / B7sus4 /
When you understand from where and why you came
/ E7b9 / E7
Then you can build your own opinions
/Am / F7 / /
Stop parroting the minions
/F#7 / / B7 /
You can be the center of the hurricane

/ Em6 /A7add6 B7 /Em /
Maybe you came here on a boat
/ Am7 / D9
Did you dine with the captain?
/ G6 / B7sus4
Or huddle with the goats?
/ E7b9 / E7
Were you a slave? A master?
/ Am / F7 / /
Maybe a bit of both?
/ F#7 / B7 /
Where did you dine when you were on the boat?

/ Em6 / A7add6 B7 / Em /
Perhaps you came here as a pio- neer
/ Am7 / D9
Brought the "savages" your Bible
/ G6 / B7sus4
The rifle and the steer
/ E7b9 / E7
You taught them how to worship
/ Am / F7 / /
And who they had to fear
/ F#7 / B7 /
Perhaps you came here as a pioneer

/ Am7 / D9 / G6 /
Or are you that one who's been here all along?
/ Am7 / D9
Who grew up with the mountains
/ G6 / B7sus4
And sang the rivers' songs
/ E7b9 / E7
Until the others came
/ Am / F7 / /
And said you don't belong
/ F#7 / B7 /
And took the land and waters for their own

/ Em / Cdim / B7 / Em
The truth is that TRUTH IS! It's never something else!
/ Am7 / D9
It's not a plastic wrapper
/ G6 / B7sus4
That you shape around yourself
/ E7b9 / E7
Use the parts you want
/ Am / F7 / /
And leave the rest upon the shelf
/Em / Cdim /B7 / Em
Truth is that TRUTH IS! It's never something else!


Em6 / A7add6
And real death comes
/ B7 / Em /
When history dies
/ Am7 / D9
When we can't discern the truth
/ G6 / B7sus4
From the revisionist lies
/ E7b9 / E7
Then our Faith turns into Hate
/ Am / F7 / /
And with the rising of the tides
/ F#7
We'll sink and drown!
Still fighting!
/ / B7
Still choosing sides!

/ Em6 /A7add6 B7 / Em /
So go out and learn your real name
/ Am7 / D9 / G6 / B7sus4 /
And understand from where and why you came
/ E7b9 / E7
Then determine who you'll love
/Am / F7 / /
And who should live in shame
/ Cdim /B7 /Em
Be the center of the hurricane!


Wow, this was really fantastic. I instantly heard the Layla unplugged inspiration, which I love. This was theatrical and shocking at some points. Lyrics were very fun and clever. The emphasis on certain words really adds a lot of color. A very enjoyable listen!
Gosh this song is beautiful melodically complex - it is like musical ear candy with all the fun twists and turns. I just love the progression and your delightful melody on top. I also really the journey the lyrics take us on - and the questions asked - great song concept and well executed. Excellent guitar work and vocals. Awesome stuff!
Love the progression and your vocals. Well crafted lyrics that dig into a deep theme around who we are and what we call ourselves. Love the exploration and wonderfully done
Only commenting on the first part, will come back for the second: this is unbelievably good. The imagery is vivid, the harmonic structure simultaneously whimsical and serious...truly love everything about this. I can't imagine what changes would make it better. Seriously.