cheese song
by @p3t3h4rv3y
Skirmish: A Truly Impressive Pile o... (@ajna1960)Lyrics
How do you approach an angry welsh cheese? Caerphilly
What cheese gets bears down out of their trees? Camembert
I guess we'll always have the cheese jokes after all is said and done.
What cheese can you disguise a small horse with? Mascapone
What did the cheese say when it saw itself in the mirror? Halloumi
lmao! Thank you so much for your cheese song. This is is great, 10000% I'm always doing this with words, so this one really got me.
Class dad jokes for the win! The halloumi one was my favourite! Nice groove.
Ha ha ha this is so very funny and cool !
I just had a cheese sandwich! This is funny 🤣
Great puns - there's a big smile on my face. The fact that the tune has a kind of dark folksy intensity, and your droll delivery, adds a lot too!
I didn't know there were cheese jokes! These are good! Very enjoyable!
Ah, the camembert joke is a favorite one of my husband's. Fun way to write around the prompt, with a melancholy twist on "after all is said and done." I dig the guitar groove.
You made my face hurt (from too much grinning!!!) I love this! Ha! Loved leanring how to get bears down out of their trees! Clever and fun song!!
I'm a fan of puns and cheese, so this hits me where I live. And anything even remotely Monty Python adjacent is a plus. Great start to FAWM. Thanks.
😂 Big grin on my face.
Had a giggle to this one, and the chorus hints at a poignancy. Grate job!
Wonderful! Genuine LOLs here. Brilliant 😂😂