We Can Sort This Out

by @hmstreetteam

Skirmish: Puzzling it Out (@atornberg)
We Can Sort This Out

Liner Notes

I tried to do a more 1960s style for this one.


Real are the questions
Far is the distance
We might have reservations
We might need persistence

No place for abandon
Regardless of passion
The only answer is wisdom
Action coming from reason

We can sort this out
It might not be tonight
But we can sort this out
And get it right

We sweep up the dust
Because we must
And if we shake off the rust
It is a matter of trust

We can sort this out
It might not be tonight
But we can sort this out
And get it right

The future is always a matter of doubt
But you know and I know that we can sort this out


Some things are truly worth fighting for. It takes everything you sing about. Nice song!
Hope in the face of uncertainty is a theme that doesn't get old.

I can definitely hear this as '60s style. Maybe some drums...
Love the sentiment. Beautiful song, singing, playing and take on the prompt.
I love how positive this is! It might take work, but with effort it can be done. Pretty melody and great skirmish!