
by @headfirstonly Mod


Liner Notes

Last week I finally upgraded my living room audio system from 7.1 surround sound to 7.1.4 immersive audio (so there are now four "presence" speakers giving an additional high-level layer of sound up in the ceiling). Atmos mixes are quite something and I decided that a burst of #frippertronics on the #warrguitar and the Parker Fly might convey some of the experience in humble stereo...


I am not sure my gear is good enough to fully get how good this is however it is very good and an earful of music! and immersed it surely where you go!
I was absolutely immersed in this one. This was great. Sounded huge
I feel immersed. Inspiring sounds and dynamics in here and .... just hear the ending and lost my train of thought ... Great use of space, even in 'humble stereo.' Thanks for this.
Very dramatic. I feel this in a visual way. At times as if I were on the grid (Tron), and at times under the bridge in shadows and neon (Johnny Mnemonic). Gloriously dark sweeps and hints of menace. I often think in terms of dystopia and cyberpunk, and this song is right up my alley. I would love a whole EP or album of this to buy.
Love the Atmos feature in Logic but don’t have the sound system for it. This is quite immersive in my computer headphones. Love it!
This is quite a mix. I need to really learn more about Atmos. I believe it's an option in many places these days.