Letting Go (The Right Thing)

by @tcelliott

Liner Notes

#acousticonetake #americana #singersongwriter

Rough take but it's down. Still not sure about the intro. Tell me what you think


Sometimes people just can't learn to love
They always quit when push comes to shove
They'll hold on tight until they drag you down

She thought holding on was the right thing to do
It turns out letting go is a 'right thing', too

She though life was gonna be okay
Instead she lives a life on delay
She's treading water hoping she won't drown

She thought holding on was the right thing to do
It turns out letting go is a 'right thing', too

She's sitting all alone in her home with her thinking
He spends all his time at the bar with his drinking
It's past time she realized she's wasting her time
Hoping some day he will change his mind

She thought holding on was the right thing to do
It turns out letting go is a 'right thing', too
She thought holding on was the right thing to do
It turns out letting go is a 'right thing', too


nice one- the chorus brings it all home. That intro-- hmmm, its good but maybe belongs in a different song?
I’m fine with the intro. I think it sets up the plot well. Guitar is of course good As if the melody. I very much liked the line “home with her thinking”. That is such a powerful or powerfully detrimental thing to do.
maybe the thing about the intro is that i'm not exactly sure whether it's coming from the female character's perspective, the male character's, both or neither? when the rest of the song is mainly from her POV (via an omniscient narrator). and the reason for my confusion is perhaps because in the intro the quitting and holding on are weighted equally, but it rapidly becomes clear what the better course of action for your gal character is as the song continues.

i enjoyed the vocal melody here, and really dig the message too.
Great guitar. I like the lyrics. Nice refrain.