Part-Time Believers

by @danvaillancourt · @coryglover

Liner Notes

Dan says: I asked Cory if he wanted to do a co-write this summer... he sent me the prompt "Part-Time Believers" and I wrote a set of lyrics. We sent some audio notes back and forth a couple times, changed a few words here and there and... voilà! The current demo is just a iPhone voice memo version of Cory with guitar and vocals for now but we plan on a studio version in the future.

Cory and I used to cross paths way back in the day as we say... when we were both regularly gallivanting from coffeehouse to coffeehouse with guitars and microphones in tow. I've been trying to get him to join FAWM for a couple years... and here we are. Always good to hear more music. Welcome to the FAWMily Cory. :)

#guywithguitar #folk #story #acoustic #acousticonetake #singersongwriter #fawmling #collab #collaboration


Part-time Believers - July 30, 2024
By Cory Glover and Dan Vaillancourt

She was a part-time believer
Just enough faith to relieve her
Of some guilt

Church bells ring in the distance
Seems like one more instance
Of someone trying to send a sign

Days into weeks into months and years go on
Just trying to pull it together…
And we are part-time believers
But full time, just trying to do the best we can

We couldn’t blame each other
No, never, neither, either of us
Quite on the same page, at the same time

Certainty is a rarity
Certainly it is rare
to have faith
all of the time.

A divine set of circumstance
Faith and doubt in a haphazard dance
Happenstance, that we might just be alright
Yeah, we might be alright

We are part-time believers
Never been cheaters
Might never be over-achievers
Or maybe we will!
Maybe more naive than the others
But we believe in each other
And sometimes that’s all that you need
All that we need
Sometimes that’s all that you need
Belief in each other
Belief in each other!
Sometimes, that’s all you need...
Sometimes, that’s all that you need...


Jeez, this is one of the best songs I've heard here this season. Great, great collaboration--perfect lyrics, terrific music & vocal! ❤️
I'm an instant fan of anyone who can casually lay down an iPhone recording that sounds this brilliant. Gorgeous vocals - almost a Bryan Adams rasp to them, but more understated (in a good way). Love the description of the process, and your shared history as coffeeshop troubadours! Look forward to hearing the studio version in due course. Wonderful collab, well done chaps.
Great lyrics, song structure and song concept - it all totally works for me. Fantastic acoustic one-take performance - stellar vocals and the give and take between the vocals and the bright guitar is just perfect. This is the kind of song that lives in you a little while after you hear it - and you miss hearing it when it is over. Awesome collab!
love this concept great opening verse and just keeps getting better may be a favorite for me
Oh my GOODNESS, this is gorgeous, y'all! This is one of the most radio-ready songs I've heard this 50/90 -- even with the iPhone recording (maybe partly because of it? There's something really affecting about everything as it is.) @coryglover's vocals and guitar playing are gorgeous -- the guitar is so crisp and transcendent and the tone and emotion in the vocal is spot on. And this is such a moving and powerful set of lyrics, with some killer lines -- that first stanza is perfection with that believer/relieve her couplet. Killer collab, y'all!