Blue Copper Teapot

by @charlie_leemburg

Skirmish: Silver, Gold, Brass, and/... (@kahlo2013)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

“...but the silver’s our gold” ~me on Lost, Saved, Destroyed
I feel like I’m gonna have to go with copper here, gold and silver are too easy and for brass I have a song in mind for the distant future, and by distant I mean like 2027
Anyway here’s a short one


I’ve been watching the blue copper teapot out in the rain
I’ve been waiting to see if it slowly turns orange again
But then I realized the damage has been done
And everything I have done wrong, I’ll never make right

I found an old copper coin in the rubble
Amongst world war I grenades
Decades apart, both seen better days
But one must have brought joy and one must have brought pain

I didn’t realize, it’s an effective marker of time
But I think it was a sign, when the water tastes bitter
And I think we’ve lost the time, when the hands fell off the clock
And we can’t put them back on


very clever - a lyrical journey across time ! Very thought provoking - real good!
Amazing to read other’s lyrics, based on their geography. I never thought of seeing grenades in my lifetime, and you make it wound like normal. I like the moral, the philosophy of your lyric, can’t put the hands back on the. Clock.
Fascinating look at the effects of time. I like the serious mood.
The things we do with metal and the things that simply happen to it really do make visible past moments and the passing of time. Excellent choices of objects.
I love the poetic images you bring to this extended metaphor! Well done!