I'm so broke

by @lamerabbit · @dreamscuba


Liner Notes

If you need a hint, here it comes: https://www.mrmoneymustache.com

NSFW cause you will not need your boss after a while.

Middle-class-punk warning too as this is true for middle class income levels, not really below I am afraid.

I believe I have pronounced "canadian" in an awfully incorrect way. Well, also the person mentioned, Peter Adeney, is Canadian-born but lives in US.

Great music is by @dreamscuba


Ok let's get
To the real headline story
The usual tragedy
Most middle class live

Yeah I'm so broke
That I have to go to work
Even if I hate it, hate it, hate it
Should have saved more, dork

It's shockinly simple
The math behind freedom
Just half of take-home, seventeen years
And you can leave them "professionals" in tears

But it's impossible you complain
Let's take those pants off and
Wear something more bad ass
Your student time taught you live with less cash

Yeah I'm so broke
That I have to go to work
Even if I hate it, hate it, hate it
Should have saved more, dork

Just stop being car poor
Stop pampering yourself with luxury
You cannot afford and which
Is killing you and the rest of the world

Stop the self destruction now
Frugal Canadian will show you how
Stop being a sheeple today
You'll buy your freedom and your own way

Yeah I wanna be free
And I know what to do
Stop being a clown
Be a bad ass - understood?

4x: You fucking already know what to do


I love the attitude with the vocals on this. So spot on. Thank you!
Word. "Stop pampering yourself with luxury / You cannot afford" should be taught at school.