Take It From The Top

by @tcelliott


Liner Notes

#bassrock #bass #rock

Saw the challenge in the forum and immediately had the bassline. No idea where the lyrical idea came from and hopefully it comes off as a warning for how shitty the glamor life can be (from what I've heard.)


No we're gonna go again

Now we're gonna take it from the top

Look Up
I think we're gonna get the shot

And freeze
Now we're gonna take it from the top

I don't want to be the one
To tell you this is going pretty badly
If you can't do it, don't you fret
We'll replace you and we'll do it gladly

Settle Down
Don't move
Crying's gonna ruin it

Sit down
Take a break
Take five
Now we're gonna take it from the top

I don't want to be the one
To tell you this is going pretty badly
If you can't do it, don't you fret
We'll replace you and we'll do it gladly
I don't want to be the one to tell you this is shit


Challenge nicely tackled! I appreciate the bass line that got it started, but also, the ending. I’d always considered fading a lazy way out, until I tried my hand at song making and realized it’s really hard to wrap a song up. You nailed a perfect final period on that one!
What a great collection of guitars, including bass. Love the vocals floating on top too. I think you nailed the glamor profession with those lyrics!
Nice new wave rock sound - like the punchy succinct lyrics - reminiscent of early B52s
Good shit. Really good. Luckily as I don't want to be the one... No seriously, liked the bass line and the guitars but the whole thing rocks! Good job.