Hey Man

by @lamerabbit · @lyricslinger

Liner Notes

Liked the lyrics of @lyricslinger 's Hey Man and asked for a collab. Here it is.
Original lyric with AI made music is here: https://fiftyninety.fawm.org/songs/301918


(Verse 1)
Everybody's always saying that
There's no time
Like coming out of overdrive
Is a crime

(Verse 2)
Everybody's always saying that
Life is fine
I want to know is it really though?
Or is that just a line?

Hey man
Hey, how are you, man?
Like really, how you doing, man?
Let's shoot
Let's shoot the breeze, man
Like really shoot some cool breeze, man

The rigidity of the system
It's enough to make you scream
The rigidity of the system
Everyone needs a dream

Hey man
Hey, how are you, man?
Like really, how you doing, man?
Let's shoot
Let's shoot the breeze, man
Like really shoot some cool breeze, man

Everybody's always saying
But what are you saying?
If you need to say it
Then let’s shoot the breeze, man

Written by Simon Wright
(September 2024)


Brilliant. This would be perfect Metalocalypse material. Or Mr Bungle. And I've just realised that I've been waiting for someone to work "is it really though?" into a song for years. Bravo!
Oh wow!!! This is absolutely fabulous!!! This rocks with such great feeling and power! The concise lyrics deliver insight well and the driving rock and sizzling guitar - especially that fantastic solo- are absolutely fabulous!!!!! I LOVE the sound. Awesome vocals and groove as well.