Count Your Blessings

by @paul_pedersen · @doug52

Count Your Blessings
paul_pedersen +1

Liner Notes

Doug Murphy and I try to meet on Zoom on Monday mornings to discuss song ideas. Prior to one such meeting, Doug sent me the first draft of the lyrics for Count Your Blessings. They were so close to being fully formed that only minor modifications have happened since the first draft. After we listen a few times, we make make further tweaks, but it's pretty close, I think.

This will be my last post of this round of 5090. I'm jumping a plane for a bit of wandering around the UK and won't have instruments or computer with me. If any of this season's collaborators drop by this song, then I extend my thanks for giving me some wonderful lyrics to work and have fun with.


If you have a roof over your head
Food in your fridge and a nice warm bed
When so many are underfed
Count your blessings, count your blessings

If you have the use of your two feet
When you are cold, you have heat
When there are those who live on the street
Count your blessings, count your blessings

Count, count your blessings
Enjoy what life's given you
Whenever you're tempted to feel dissatisfied
Open your eyes and count your blessings

So many things we take for granted
Never thinking of the value they give
So many things that offer us comfort
And ease the way we live

Count, count your blessings
Enjoy what life's given you
Whenever you're tempted to feel dissatisfied
Open your eyes and count your blessings
Open your eyes and count your blessings


This is absolutely beautiful, really well done- a great lyric and great music and performance. Funny, my late mother in law, who was a Holocaust survivor, used to say similar things... eternal wisdom I guess. nice musical backing, too...
Very nice Paul, I like the mood and the way you performed it. It fits the music lyrics well. Nice playing as well.