The Pink Lady

by @matthewsanford

Skirmish: Urban legends (@lyricslinger)
There is no demo for this song.


The Pink Lady is legendary, indeed!
A tale, for sure, that all here will need!

A young lass on her way home from a dance
Dressed in pink, in a horse and carriage,
Never made it home, to Yorba Linda

Many years later, being born from there
Richard Nixon’s people were caught on a hook!
He’s got nothing to do with this lady,
But famously said, “I’m not a crook!!!”

Now our dear on her way wasn’t a Yorba,
Mr. Peralta said possibly Estrada?
No one’s quite sure who her family were,
But Arthur swears the Entradas

On that fateful night, who knows what occurred,
It’s possible her horse spooked, causing the turn.
Her carriage fell over, her head hit a rock,
The 15th of June ended with a shock.

Forever since on the even years,
She rises from the grave, inciting fears
From her place in Yorba Cemetery
Where her bones lay to rest
She’ll ever visit those
Who go there and nest


Spooky! 'nuff said!
Oh yeah ghostly! Never heard either! Well captured in relatively few words,
A ghost story I had not heard, and I am originally from Cali.
strange and fun....
Cool ghostly story! And one I'd not heard of. Can imagine it with some spooky music!