Lying for a Living [VIDEO]

by @charlie_leemburg

Liner Notes

You know those videos where it's this guy (or girl, or whatever, I'm not picky) playing the instruments for the song and it switches between them and it's really satisfying maybe it's in a grid.
This is that, but worse
None of the instruments are in the song
None of the instruments are playing the right notes
None of the instruments are playing in time
None of the instruments are played correctly
Everything is dusty...

Anyway, this song for the album is about my favorite subject, well... that might be a lie.
#electronic #singersongwriter


Oh you're a victim of the system?
Well boy, do I have a solution
I will tell you to sit down
You gotta leave your mind wide open
Let me know a bit of you life
And for just 4.99 and a bit of your time
I could change your life

I'm just a con man
In a fancy suit
And I'm lying for a living (ha, ha, ha-haha)
Lying for a living (ha, ha, ha-haha)
And if you knew how I do
Well then you'd be lying too

You gotta make up some words
Using adjectives as verbs
You might lose your sword
But you gotta keep your edge
And your fragility displayed
Don't let the soapbox crack under your weight
And we're off to save some souls

I'm just a con man
In a fancy suit
And I'm lying for a living (ha, ha, ha-haha)
Lying for a living (ha, ha, ha-haha)
And if you knew how I do
Well then you'd be lying too

And it's crazy, yeah it's crazy
How people flock to me to ask "save me"
And you know that, they're in distress
They would never think to second guess
And they'll take it, they'll feel it
They'll do anything you ask if you preach it
And it's crazy, yeah it's crazy
And it's crazy, yeah it's crazy

You gotta tell them, that you're sincere
Gotta tell them, you can't sin here
Just don't tell them you biggest fear

I'm just a con man
In a fancy suit
And I'm lying for a living (ha, ha, ha-haha)
Lying for a living (ha, ha, ha-haha)
And if you knew how I do
Well then you'd be lying too

Cause it's crazy, yeah it's crazy
Cause it's crazy, yeah it's crazy
Cause it's crazy, yeah it's crazy


This is such a catchy riff - proper pop stuff! Your video made me laugh so much, so perfect for the lyrics. I get a drunk Morrisey vibe from it - where he stops being pretentious and just has some fun. This is crazy fun - I can't get over the melody - so infectious! You can scam me any day!