Puppy-Dog Eyes

by @dr_griff

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

#blues #lyricsonly #filk #geek

NOT looking for collaboration. I will eventually put up a recording; I just need some help because I've hardly ever played blues in my life and I need to learn and understand how to do certain kinds of chord progressions that aren't familiar yet. But here's a new song, about the guy who makes us all have helium hand syndrome and drums up more volunteers than any other six people in the organization, because he's got those puppy-dog eyes....


He always has those puppy-dog eyes
They strike me to my heart
I just cannot resist them
I’m helpless when they start
“Can’t you help us out here?”
In his pleading, wheedling way
In the face of that, I can’t say no
Even though I’ll rue the day

He coordinates the concoms
He’s the master of persuasion
He’d be a great Minority Whip
For any fan occasion
He plays you like a fiddle
Or perhaps it's like a drum
But you know when he gives you those puppy-dog eyes
You’ll stand up, and forward you’ll come

Beware the man with the puppy-dog eyes
So warm and yet so cold
When he looks at you with that soulful gaze
You’re happy to be volun-told

You cannot resist it
He’s just like the Borg
Resistance is futile, you know
You have to give in
You know it’s your fate
Wherever he tells you, you’ll go


You cannot avoid his puppy-dog eyes
He’ll follow you everywhere
You try to hide but it doesn’t work
He knows your every lair
Just give in, it’s easier
Just lend a hand or two
And try not to remember
This is how it’s gonna be for you



I think the key to the blues is to use a ridiculous amount of 7th chords.
For Arizona Piracy Blues I use G7, A7, D7. (if that is at all helpfull)

I really like the lines:
"He plays you like a fiddle
Or perhaps it's like a drum"