We Don’t Wanna Hear Your Trash / Unconsidered Pointless Utterance to a Void Pt. 6

by @charlie_leemburg

Skirmish: Trash (@atornberg)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Nah but you do right?


We’ve seen trash, but we ain’t seen trash like this before
We’d clean it up but we’ve left it on your front door
Because frankly we’ve had enough
And we don’t need you acting tough
Because we don’t wanna hear your trash no more

And if you find your home smells, from all the junk you have expelled
Because you didn’t have the room, though the world would clean it for you
Now you’re finding out the hard way
That the trash is here to stay
And we don’t want to hear you complain no more

We know it’s hard to keep up when the times are changing
But the times are breaking, and you’ve driven them out
Now you can’t tell when the time comes
To clear the tar our from your lungs
And we don’t want to see you come back no more

Thought you had it in you to bring forth a big surprise
But nobody bats an eye, just left it for the mice
Now you see there’s nothing left
But the trash that’s left behind
And we don’t want to see you with your hand over your eyes

We’ve seen trash, but we ain’t seen trash like this before
We’d clean it up but we’ve left it on your front door
Because frankly we’ve had enough
And we don’t need you acting tough
Because we don’t wanna hear your trash no more


You’ve used the metaphor of trash really well here, producing a chorus that is forceful and memorable.
wow thats a big lyric. nice bit of angst in here!
I'm not sure if this meant as a more literal (if perhaps fictional) story, or as a metaphor and a protest song.

I'm enjoying the repeated structure of the last line of each verse.