Listen Up

by @berni1954

Skirmish: Nonstop Talking (@hmstreetteam)
Listen Up

Liner Notes

I didn't look carefully enough at the skirmish schedule and didn't catch the 17:00 (European Time) skirmish until 19:45

So this one is a late entry.

Instrument: Yamaha FG 180 (Red Label 1971)
Listen to those overtones and that sustain at the end! Sweeter every year! Spruce tops 4 ever!



(Em) My wife says I’m a bad listener
But I can (D) talk till the cows come (Em) home
I get (C) nervous when there is (G) silence
I’ve probably (D) got some weird syn(Em)drome
I ad(Bm)mit I look for con(Em)nections
When I (Bm) listen to what others (Em) say
And I (C) wait for a chance to (G) jump in
And steer the (D) conversation my (Em) way

They say we (Em) have one mouth and two ears
To (D) listen twice as much as we (Em) talk
I should (C) take a back seat more (G) often
Don’t want (D) people to think I’m a (Em) dork
But my (Bm) mind makes associ (Em)ations
And my (Bm) eyes take on a (Em) glaze
As I (C) speak my wife raises her (G) eyebrows
And (D) here’s what my dear one (Em) says:

Let (C) others get a word in (G) edgeways
Don’t (D) hog the conversation as you (G) do
If you (C) don’t truly listen to (G) others
(D) Why should they listen to (Em) you?

I (Em) know there’s good sense in what she’s saying
But it’s a (D) habit that will take time to (Em) break
And when the (C) conversation dries for a (G) minute
I’ll think (D) taking her advice a mis(Em)take
My (Bm) anecdotes will break the (Em) stillness
I’ll claim the (Bm) floor in a single heart(Em)beat
And (C) when we get home that (G) evening
My (D) dear one will surely rep(Em)eat!



Cool story and delivery. Very nice take on the prompt. So good to listen to your singing and playing, Berni.
The lyrics are well written and your vocals are great! Nice strumming on the acoustic. One more song to go. I'll have to listen to a few more. :)
smart wife. you take on first person narration to bring a universal syndrome to life. the writing is excellent with some stunning lines, and your performance is convincing in both character and its condemnation of said character.
I love the thoughtful tone in the music to go with the introspective story-telling lyrics. A fun listen!