
by @matthewsanford

Skirmish: Dainty (@atornberg)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

#fresh #new #lyricsonly #justwroteit!
skirmed to just write it out, line by line, in the middle of work...


Keep your hands to yourself, MEN!
This gem is kept safe in my DEN!
Why? The outside world is dangerous!
Cry! Cause it's made to anger us!
Scream, but not around this gem,
Ears precious and fragile, it seems,
Keep your voice down!
Don't be a dumb clown!
Don't even come around!
My Gem? No, you can't see it!!!
(precious to me...precious to me...)
My Gem?! No!!! You can't see it!!!
(precious to me...precious to me...)
Tangible? No, it's precious to me!
Yes, it's my inner child you see...
so fragile...
so dainty...
so precious to me...


I like how when this starts you instantly think this is an incredibly jealous guy and start feeling sorry for his "victim" - then later on we have the reveal which brought a smile to my face and forced me to read the lyrics once again. Nice one!
Thank you kind sir! I had no idea where I was going, but a need to rhyme finds words, each line brings out the next
thank goodness for a bit of inner child sometimes - i love mine and there is a lot to be serious about so we need the balance - good capture