What Will You Tell Us?

by @ayais

Liner Notes

My couple, Joe and June, are descending in a service elevator down into a mine/science lab, to check on their wormhole apparatus. They know that transmissions have arrived from the future, but they don't know who it's from, or what the content is, and are conflicted by the whole project. They're singing to people in a time and place they know nothing about.
Above it's chaos because of a nearby asteroid hit - the one that kicked off the wormhole in the first place. They're escaping, going back down to their lab, falling in love during the whole thing.
Most of these songs need a female voice. I haven't gotten any further than these two characters. It may be a two-person production as I shop it around to try to get it produced.
The first act ends soon as they start to figure out the transmissions. The audience is in for a surprise in the second act.
These are downer words, but I'm trying - in the dialog - to keep things light, with humor, and to provide pleasant sounds behind the words.

#musical #wormhole #folkmusical


What will you tell us?
What can we do?
Won’t you leave us alone?

Do we really want to know?
What lies ahead?
Is it worse than we think?

We think it’s bad news
Life here is sketchy
Tough times coming


Virus, warming
Nukes or asteroids
Will anyone be left?

Why are you warning us?
What are you doing?
Do we have to change our ways?

Who’s going to listen?
The task is big
This sounds like too much

We’ll close our ears
La la la la la
We won’t hear you


I'm interested to see where this project goes.
Super great idea, and you've approached the topic from the side door, so to speak.
@ttg105 , you've never heard Leon Redbone?!?
You need to get on that, and yes, now that you've said it, I can hear him as a distant cousin to this song.
(sorry, ayais, I'm responding to @ttg105 in your comment)
Anyway, yeah, another great one here.
I really like the chord progression and the lead melody gives an interesting dynamic to the steady descent of the story. The calming delivery gives a compelling contrast to what's happening on the surface. I'm excited to listen to the rest of your musical. Really happy I found your song!
I've never heard Leon Redbone, but I imagine this is what he sounds like: very old-timey and very laid back. Love the la las and humming and pinchy lead guitar. Nice ending!
i like the pingy sounds as they punctuate your even-handed vocals. i imagine that if, when i was younf, i was shown the fute. it would look much worse than the day to day reality of it is .