Everybody's Strong With a Gun

by @charlie_leemburg


Liner Notes

Alright, nearing the end now, now I can't miss.
A classic satirical song here, which the next one will also be.
I was going to do a music video for this one, but I decided against it, for two reasons. A, couldn't find enough images for it that I would have wanted to use. B, it felt nicer to have 2 videos per side of the album, so there's already 2 for side B and I didn't want a third.
I feel like I always put a swear in a song I think is gonna offend some people just so I can mark it nsfw

#electronic #singersongwriter


I used to be weak, but now I'm real strong
Because everybody's strong with a gun

And it's your 28th amendment right
To put that dickhead in his place
With a bullet through the face
Just tell them it was self-defense

I used to be weak, but now I'm real strong
Because everybody's strong with a gun

You don't need the eye of an eagle
You just need to look through the scope
And you don’t need to feel like an idiot
Just put your hand on the trigger and pull

We don't play games of chance
Forged by communist hands
We just want that certainty
That minorities are victimized

I used to be weak, but now I'm real strong
Because everybody's strong with a gun

You don't need the eye of an eagle
You just need to look through the scope
And you don’t need to feel like an idiot
Just put your hand on the trigger and pull

You gotta fight fire with fire
Cause it will drown out the oxygen
It doesn't matter how many people it hurts
If there's people it saves then it's okay

I used to be weak, but now I'm real strong
Because everybody's strong with a gun

You don't need the eye of an eagle
You just need to look through the scope
And you don’t need to feel like an idiot
Just put your hand on the trigger and pull

I used to be weak, but now I'm real strong
Because everybody's strong with a gun

Karma coming my way
Drench my shirt in my American blood
Karma coming my way
Drench my shirt in my American blood
Karma coming my way
Drench my shirt in my American blood


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