
by @headfirstonly Mod


Liner Notes

#prog #short #warrguitar #strat #playwithdelay #oddtimesignature

Ahh, insomnia. I woke up at 4 am again this morning with this entire song in my head. So, yay me?


The AR15 is a complex machine
that's expressly designed to kill people
and if your fondest dream is to own a machine
that's expressly designed to kill people
Then you're not into hunting
or 'well-formed militias'
just a simple desire to kill
and that's a fixation
requiring negation
not simply a lack of goodwill

Anywhere else in the world you'd be seen as a psycho
Anywhere else in the world you're a grave risk to life
Out there they view with suspicion the folk who love gun shows
Out there you'd barely be trusted to handle a knife

The AR15 is a complex machine
that's expressly designed to kill people
and if your fondest dream is to own a machine
that's expressly designed to kill people
then by your admission
you've raised my suspicion
in a way that's not run-of-the-mill
for all I can do
is put it to you
you're undoubtedly mentally ill


Love the sound that you achieve here - the differences between sections are really effective to convey the craziness of allowing assault weapons. Compelling lyrics and really powerful delivery.
Agree with your lyrics 100%! Cool effects on the drums and great guitar riffage. The panning guitars sound like gunfire. Powerful ending!
So true. Great track about an important topic
Love the way you use the repetition of "machine that's expressly designed to kill people" - really drives the message home hard. That structure of using the same 4 lines to start both verses is not something I recall seeing elsewhere. Great track.
the best argument for outlawing military weapons that i have heard, and the music is fantastic.