
by @headfirstonly Mod


Liner Notes

#oddtimesignature #piano #warrguitar #lotsofguitars

We've all been there, right?


My talent's completely outrageous!
Let me tell you my master plan!
All of the rich and the famous
Are going to know who I am!

My dreams might have started to sound
like they're much too titanic / much too gigantic / too messianic
But my schemes won't be stopped
just because I'm a little bit manic

I'm being given a college degree!
Of COURSE I'll win over that girl!
Everyone will be made to acknowledge me
When I'm put in charge of the world!

And yes I'm aware I'm the cleverest person on Earth
But I'm sure the Academy's ready to honour my inestimable worth

You'll gasp at how great my abilities are
as Grammys pile up at my feet!
I'm assured of my status as superstar!
Just as long as this song is complete...


Creepy, eerie, and all-too-cool write here that speaks truth to every tuned in ear! Classic lines throughout. Fab work in of "Titanic" and "messianic." Gold, and how you made work: "Everyone will be made to acknowledge me/
When I'm put in charge of the world!" Fab play and vocals on this one, too, with its space-like sound atmosphere that hooks, holds, and entertains through revealing cadence.
No, no ... you're being far too modest! Great concept for a song and I love the way the bombast of the music matches the themes - the drum fills and that growling guitar reach out and grab you.