Wings and Flames

by @hmstreetteam

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

This is a song lyric from July, in its last revision on August 8 before I discarded it and wrote a completely new lyric for a song that is still in progress (“Inside and Out”).

The title is a reference to the ancient Egyptian winged mother god, in English usually called Isis, who was the unofficial protector of 20th century military aviation and who I believe was the real inspiration for the 1970s arena rock band led by Paul McCartney.

This song owes a little bit to the Jon Anderson song “Holy Lamb,” so if it is grounded in the spiritual energies of the 1980s, that is why.


Wings and flames
Is it all for nothing
Or is this the trade
To remember just enough
To write a better page
Build a better world
Light a better age

Is this the one
When we do
All that has not been done
Feel the glow of promise
Like a rising sun
Test the breeze and sail
To what has now begun

Then there must be more
Stay in port or travel
To a distant shore
Every time I question
What I came here for
A riddle folded up
Forgotten on the floor

If the birds won’t sing
Then there must be a song
For everything
When the sun goes dark
From all this spinning
The choice
The beginning

So the clock has chimed
So the times allow
This is a morning
This is my vow
To remember why
To remember how
Wings and flames
I am ready
Show me now


Really good lyric. I could picture this as rock tune of sorts, slower sounding.
Hope to hear it.