It'll kill you

by @lamerabbit

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Early morning, sitting on a rock near Dave' Falls (Amberg, WI) watching the Pike River flow. Finished a lyric started yesterday. Good days.


It'll kill you the day
You think it wont
It'll kill you the day
You think it shan't

And I said no
And I said no
And I said no
Let's go!

Oh how I love the scent
Of pine trees in the morning
Dave's fall was ours too
Let the Pike River and its siblings

Do their work
We are here to pass
enjoy these nice days
good to be earned

And I said no
And I said no
And I said no
Let's go!


This is exactly the sort of thing I love. There's a mixture of specificity and mystery that appeals to me. I feel that I know what you're getting at, but I don't know exactly what you're getting at, which makes me happy