Surprise (Arizona)

by @gmcgath

Surprise (Arizona)

Liner Notes

The mayor of Surprise, Arizona had a citizen arrested for criticizing an official at a public meeting. Seriously. Here's a link, since you shouldn't believe my bare word for something like that:

Given the location, the tune for a suitable song immediately came to mind.
#filk #political


Surprise (Arizona)
Lyrics: Gary McGath, Copyright 2024
Music: Leslie Fish, "Surprise!"

Remember the nineties, those fat complacent days,
When police states seemed a galaxy away?
Now drums are drumming, speech cops are coming,
You might be sent to jail for what you say.

Knock-knock. Bang-bang! Come out now.
You have no right to criticize.
To stay out of jail, bow down and say hail
To your masters in the city of Surprise.

Mayor Hall thought the Constitution bunk
And the First Amendment should go in the trash.
"You shall keep silence, to criticize is violence,"
And knock-knock, you're hauled off in a flash.

Done for a threat, propaganda, or prestige?
The point is, they're locking folks away!
It made FIRE frown and send their lawyers down
To make sure you're free to have your say.

That's where it started, that's not where it ends.
They thought they'd put their subjects in their place.
Cynic beginnings, greed for big winnings,
But they'll learn they haven't got a case.

FIRE brought a lawsuit, prepared a legal brief
To answer those autocratic goons.
Hail and goodbye to those upstarts who would try
To claim from criticism they're immune!

Final chorus:
Knock-knock. Bang-bang! Come out now.
You've got to answer for your lies.
All Hall's cohorts must answer in court
For your scheme to be dictators of Surprise. (Surprise!)


A nice, coherent telling of the story and a good fit for the tune.
I knew someone from there,! That's nuts and you wrote about it well and it's so catchy,!