
by @kim_otcj

Liner Notes

One thing I like to do with guitar is play fretted against an open string drone. I got that from listening hurdy gurdy music, and old-school slide players like Bukka White. It lends the music an old-school feel that is kind of hypnotic in its effect.
#rock #hardrock


I'll spread my wings
Cos nothing is forever
And there's no time like the present
To fly away

And in the sun the colours run
Iridescent on my wings
Just for one day, I can spread my wings
And fly away into the sun

I spen all my life digging in the dirt
And just this once, I can fly
So, watch the play of colour on my wings
As I disappear into the sun


I like the mix of this iridescent butterfly wing lyric with your muscular guitar playing and deep singing. It reminds me of how much I loved the Crash Test Dummies Superman song when I first heard it. The video feels like people might use it to teach themselves to play amazing guitar.