Letting Go

by @headfirstonly Mod

Letting Go

Liner Notes

You might be able to hear in the vocals how autobiographical this is.


Socialising's always been beyond me
Better stick to being a recluse
Don't stress about the best way to respond to me
I know you'll end up thinking, "what's the use?"

I'm a tortoise; scar tissue is my shell
I'm walking wounded but I hide it well

I've been letting go
Of things I haven't got
love, and health, and wisdom;
hopes and dreams
Some of them are easy;
you simply walk away
some, you have to smash
to smithereens

I've never been the type to seek assistance
"Too set in my ways" is who I am
The world, I'm firmly keeping at a distance
"Never leave the house" the safest plan

Everything has started to deteriorate
Dealing with the pain is nothing new
All the same I really would appreciate
If just one nice idea could come true


I get the impression this was a tough performance. I know we're supposed to bare our souls as songwriters ... but introversion is much easier! The sincerity comes across well.

Anyway, beautiful percussive accents and palette from start to finish; and the bass movement and depth is rather fine too.
This one really tugs at the heartstrings, it grabs the attention and makes you listen.
As always, really excellent arrangement and musicianship. The lyrics are exceptional, they tell a story that's a little sad and a little edgy. Added together they make a powerful combination.
that is some heavy stuff. I definitely feel the line about dreams for sure. Though sometimes I wonder if they actually did come true would they be worth it in the end? Or is the chase the fun part. Hope you're doing ok