Casually Warped Filter #needscollab #improv #soundscape #weirdPedals

by @matthewsanford

Casually Warped Filter #needscollab #improv #soundscape #weirdPedals

Liner Notes

Just a soundscape, really, to explore my FilterFX being warped by CVs that I am adding to my pedal builds. I mean, why wouldn't you want someone turning your knobs while you play? This is mostly just the rate, and a bit of waveform change too. So... cut it up! Rearrange me till I'm sane! uh, as they say. Ok, just one track, does a soundscape that make? It needs more, add more, please! To be true, my real purpose is to find a bass player and a drummer of like mind to make my duo to a quartet and put Rainbow Of Tara (check bandcamp for rough tracks) on the stage!

This is a sample of the ilk I intend for the pedals I build. Kind of bringing the CV of synths to guitar pedals! This is second I've built, well, first pretty much complete (with some fixing on mistakes to be done), but I will get a song up from Christine, a distortion by The Tone God, just as nasty as the car! (she's my profile pic at time of writing). I'm going to throw some internal CV in there, she gets in a rhythm of oscillation, had an outside CV but has issues so... I'll get her up here!
At any rate, I hope some do enjoy the madness I employ!


@freshspotlessyouth Merci!
Electric Druid's FilterFX can do a lot of different, for sure! But it's my addition of CV to turn pots that gives the slow down then real fast feel, working on warping all the effects. Actually... I was thinking to do another, tone down that tempo variation, then maybe single not picking on each wah thing trying to keep tempo through decelerando and accelerando...
Great vibe here...I was sort of mesmerized as this warbled along in its strangely catchy way