Banjo in My Closet (lyric by @yewnorker)

by @nancycunning · @chipwithrow · @yewnorker

Banjo in My Closet (lyric by @yewnorker)
nancycunning +2

Liner Notes

#acoustic #collab #americana

Nancy: It feels like cheating to use a guitar instead of a banjo for this lyric, but I needed to hear this song, so I sang it. I'm hoping to encourage myself to just post stuff for the rest of the month instead of waiting for it to be better than it is. Thank you to @yewnorker for letting me sing his lyric...The original is here:

Chip: I heard this awesome song, and I wanted to add banjo!


Lyric by @yewnorker, lightly tweaked by @nancycunning

I saw you in an antique shop
You looked so good.I had to stop
I picked you up. You felt just right.
I thought I would I thought I might

There's a banjo in my closet
There's a tune inside my head
Someday I'll learn to play that thing
Won't live life with regret

I took you home I tried to play
I'd scratch n claw n pluck away
I'd pick you up, think todays the day
But school and work, they got in the way

So there's a banjo in my closet
There's a tune inside my head
Someday I'll learn to play that thing
Won't live life with regret

I'm getting old I think it's time
We're both antiques and that's just fine
You're like some dear old friend of mine
I'll be gentle, you be kind

There was a banjo in my closet
There was a tune inside my head
But today I'm learning to play that thing
We'll make some music yet

There was a banjo in my closet
There was a tune inside my head
But today I'm learning to play that thing
We'll make some music yet

Today I'm learning to play that thing
We'll make some music yet

Original Lyric:
There's a banjo in my closet
Lyric by YewNorker

There's a banjo in my closet
There's a tune inside my head
Someday I'll learn to play that thing
Don't live life with regret

I saw you in an antique shop
You looked so good.I had to stop
I picked you up. You felt just right.
I thought I would I thought I might

I took you home I tried to play
Scratch n claw n pluck away
I'd pick you up todays the day
Then school and work got in the way

I'm getting old I think it's time
We're both antiques and that's just fine
You're like a dear old friend of mine
I'll be gentle you be kind

T'was a banjo in my closet
T'was a tune inside my head
Today I learned to play that thing
We'll make some music yet

Original Lyric


Came for the banjo but got so much more. Really nive tune, the feeling is lively. And yeah, I've got a banjo in a closet and one day... (so far only recorded crappy banjo solo to a punk song 😂 ).
I agree @nancycunning that @chipwithrow 's banjo adds so much to an already great tune. Thank you both!
Hooray for @chipwithrow pulling his real live banjo out of the closet.
Really connected with this because I'm one of the people with a banjo in the closet that I've convinced myself that I was learning to play. My experience with banjo is you just have to keep playing it, and like that's it, and I mean nothing else, but that is just my experience. Which fits the theme, "We'll make some music yet'. 'Scratch and claw n pluck away', yup perfectly said there. Nancy's country styling is a perfect fit for theme, and I don't think it's cheating to play it on guitar because it is very meta to do so.
Thank you, @chipwithrow It’d downloadable now. Can’t wait to hear it.
Excellent collab! Such sharp, wise lyrics. And if you make this song downloadable, I'd be happy to add some banjo picking!
This is so fun! Great reminder to live life to the fullest and buy the damn banjo :) I could imagine this track with an added banjo countermelody kind of a thing!
Hasn't everyone got a "banjo" in their closet, something they've been meaning to do and just never get around to. A great lyric and well sung too, can imagine a group of people who singing along to this
I thoroughly enjoyed this song!! Catchy title, great song concept and well written. Nancy your vocals sung with such expressiveness and a with delightful twang are utterly enchanting! The rhythmic strum pattern on your guitar is perfect. The melody is memorable and you really brought these lyrics to life! Great collab.
This is great, Nancy! Slowly but surely we're working on an album's worth of music! Thank you.
This is so good! Love the classic melody with perfect phrasing and twangy delivery from @nancycunning and these clever as heck lyrics from @yewnorker -- especially love the chorus, particularly the progression of it at the end, and the "I'm getting old I think it's time/We're both antiques and that's just fine/You're like a dear old friend of mine/I'll be gentle you be kind" stanza.