Become a politician!

by @timfatchen Mod

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

I won't say whose hustings speech prompted this, or even on which continent, because it's really independent of #political angle--though not perhaps of #medialove. There will be #musiccoming but life is a, so I put the lyric up rather than losing it in the next crisis/scare/issue. [Things are as good as we could hope for provided one doesn't take the long view, but it's not necessarily smooth going.] #satire #disengagement


Words & Music by & Copyright © 2024 TJ Fatchen All Rights Reserved APRA-AMCOS

My Great-Aunt Anathema said to me:
"Become a politician, lad, and you'll be free!
"Free from the burden of speaking the truth!
"Free from the burden of seeking out proof!
"Free from the burden of thinking on your own!
"You'll be happy and fulfilled as a dog with a bone!"

"You won't need to worry, pulling answers from your hat,
"The parties, they provide teleprompters for that!
"Though there is a side of politics that people see as seedier,
"And that's the side of politics not loved by the media...
"But be their type of polly and they'll all blow your horn,
"Especially when you tell them you've just seen a unicorn."

"Perhaps you don't believe me? But my lad! You must see
"There's a yawning gulf between polity and policy!
"So become a politician, that's the best,
"And let the backroom backers work out all the rest!"


amen brother ooo if only it were not so! great lyric Tim
Oh yes. No need for a conscience! And when you're bored of all that doing nothing on the taxpayers' dime, your cronies in the corporate world will give you a high-paying job where you don't really have to do anything. Winning!
the lyrics are fabulous, i am wondering what chuck berry would do with them. im sorry to hear of your troubles. its the human condition and theres not much we can do about it. estrella and i are in florida now. for her, things are better here, but i still dont feel we are in the united states. im looking forward to hearign wht you do musicaly with this lyric, wherever you take it, it is sure to be a whopper.