The Man in the Woods

by @cbmagic

Skirmish: In the woods (@atornberg)
The Man in the Woods

Liner Notes

I picked up my fiddle which I haven't used in a while, and then the guitar, but the other instruments are computer generated with me putting the notes in for the computer to play.
#author/#lyricist: Carl Crosby
#musician: Carl Crosby
#genre: Folk/Fairy Tale Song
#inspiration: Inspired by classic fairy tales and songs like “Puff, the Magic Dragon” and “The Rainbow Connection.”
#themes: Mystery, folklore, woodland magic, and the whimsical life of a forest dweller.
#instrumentation: Acoustic guitar, fiddle, light percussion, possibly flute for a mystical feel.
#mood: Enchanting, mysterious, slightly eerie, yet playful.
#vocal Style: Storytelling tone, reminiscent of a bard or folk singer with a warm, inviting voice.
#audience: Suitable for fans of folk music, fairy tales, and mythical storytelling.
#performance: Perfect for intimate settings, campfires, or folk music gatherings.
#visual: Imagine an old forest, fireflies, a river-side cabin, and the silhouette of a man dancing in the moonlight.
#collaboration: for the music is welcome
I am working on my version, I challenge others to come up with their versions.


(Verse 1)
They say there’s a man who lives deep in the trees,
With a hat full of feathers and boots to his knees.
He talks to the squirrels, the owls, and the deer,
But folks who glimpse him just shiver with fear.
He’s got a cabin by the river, built sturdy and strong,
He plays on a fiddle and hums woodland songs.
No one knows how he got there or why he would stay,
But the forest is his home, and there he will play.

In the woods, in the woods, where the shadows run deep,
There’s a man who keeps secrets that the old oaks keep.
With a laugh like the wind and a heart like the moon,
He dances with fireflies and whistles a tune.

(Verse 2)
Some say he’s a wizard with magical spells,
Others claim he guards the old wishing wells.
They say he can turn to a fox, bear, or crow,
And he knows every secret the tall pines know.
If you’re lost in the forest and you hear him hum,
Don’t look too closely, or you might come undone.
He’ll guide you with riddles and a twinkling eye,
But beware of his tricks; they’re as old as the sky.

In the woods, in the woods, where the shadows run deep,
There’s a man who keeps secrets that the old oaks keep.
With a laugh like the wind and a heart like the moon,
He dances with fireflies and whistles a tune.

Some call him a hero, some call him a thief,
The giver of dreams and the bringer of grief.
But the creatures all love him, from fox to the hare,
For the magic he weaves with his wandering stare.

(Verse 3)
If you find him at dusk where the old willows sway,
He’ll offer you tea and invite you to stay.
But remember the tales that the wise ones spin,
For the man in the woods is where myths begin.

In the woods, in the woods, where the shadows run deep,
There’s a man who keeps secrets that the old oaks keep.
With a laugh like the wind and a heart like the moon,
He dances with fireflies and whistles a tune.

So tread lightly, my friend, when the night sky is still,
For the man in the woods lives just over the hill.
With his hat full of feathers and boots to his knees,
He’s the keeper of stories that drift through the trees.


Thanks for letting me know and it's perfect! Wonderful fiddle! Awesome!
I like the song very much. What did you use for the vocal? Did you sing with a filter of some kind or is it computer generated? It was a great folk song. I could see performing it. Nice work! :)
It is a fantastic story. The descriptions are so vivid I can picture the scenes of the forest and man. He is a mysterious character in an intriguing and enjoyable story. I like the music. It gives it a folky exciting feel. I really like this!
So vividly written. Very interesting story and choice of the instruments to accompany. I'm looking forward to hearing it. Loving your lyrics.
I really appreciate the imagery and I am especially fond of the "boots to his knees" line. Nice work!
This reminds me a little of mine, but your character is so vivid! I love this story song!