The "Aery" Dump

by @berni1954

Skirmish: In the woods (@atornberg)
The "Aery" Dump

Liner Notes

This is a childhood memory of going out to cycle in the woods (before mountain bikes or BTTs were invented). The rough terrain meant lots of spills and crashes, but that was nothing compared to where we went after our races.

We cycled to a nearby large open field within the greater wood. It was a curious (and highly dangerous) area, with no watchmen on guard and... well read it for yourself.

INSTRUMENT: Yamaha FG 180 (Red Label)



To the dense, dark woodland on the city's outskirts
We'd ride with our bikes sweat running down our shirts
There we'd race up and down the bumpy terrain
Then head out to where they'd dumped all the dead planes

During the war when a plane was shot down
They had hauled what was left to the outside of town
There were Messerschmitts, Heinkels and Hurricanes
Scattered in the field, some thirty remained

We would climb in the cockpits and we could pretend
We were dog fighting pilots our country to defend
Many levers still worked moving rudders, tails or flaps
And this led to scores of little silly mishaps

But all the cuts we received and the bruises we earned
Were seen as a way that children could learn
But when Jimmy lost an arm playing there one day
The council sent men to haul our big toys away

Today kids are cosseted, to no risks they're exposed
The places we played have been sanitized or closed
Proposing dangerous games, you'd be for the high jump
Ah, the fun that we had in that old "Aery" dump


Very nice story telling and take on the prompt.
I love the story telling of the song, Its a nice nod to your memories. And for those who did not have these adventures it helps keep them alive. Nice job.
another delightful reconstruction of a childhood memory, i cant even imagine how much fun you had in your youth. had never given a thought to what was done with al those planes shot down during the war. sorry to hear about jimmys arm though. a rather shocking end to a boyhood adventure,
@atonberg @cindyrella

Hi there,
just a note to say I have put the demo up for my song about playing in the airplane cemetery
This reminds me of Steven Spielberg's first film he made in 8mm with an old plane. He just tilted the camera to make it work even though he was on the ground pretending. Nice job!
Now that's an adventure! It's great that you wrote about this and in such a great way. Great storytelling!