How About A Wild Ride

by @songwritingzen · @cindyrella

Liner Notes

@cindyrella invited me to have a go at this lyric and I tell you, it was a wild ride trying to record the arrangement. It eventually settled on a real 80's rock trip which gives some nostalgia vibes. BTW, the synth sound is the same one used on "Jump" by Van Halen. Love that song, twas the inspiration for this one :)
#80s #poprock


How About a Wild Ride?
© 2024 Cindy Prince

Once upon a time
In the land where nothing makes sense anymore
I looked out my window
Then opened up my door
Do I run away
If I do, to where
Is this real life
And if it is, does anybody care?

Once upon a time
In the land where only music rules
Do I go it alone
Or suffer with the fools
Do I stay in the dark
Or seek the limelight
Is this the world, blah, blah question mark

Don't know where I'm going with this
Maybe my brain's fried
Maybe with all the moving mouths
I'm screaming from inside
Are there other's like me
That want to go on a wild ride?
How about a wild ride?

Once upon a time
In the land that spins faster and faster
Do I paint what I see
Or smear on new plaster?
Do I go off on a journey
Or stay where I am known
Do I join a group of like minds
Just to say that I've grown?

Repeat chorus


PARTICULARLY intriguing rockable lyrics, Cindy! Great job! And WHAT A VOCAL on this (not to mention that hard-rocking music!) Awesome collaboration, you two! ❤️
Yup captured era and style spot on. The lyric is just right in that style as well! This could play on Rick classics and nobody would notice it had slipped in! Nice collab!
Hey, that is a perfect 80s jam! I love it. Yeah, stroking those nostalgia vibes. You have the perfect tone on the guitar. Screams 80s.
Oh yeah! 80's vibe that's rocking it to another universe! Dang, your vocals are incredible!! It is a wild ride!! Thank you so much!!!
skillful appropriation of some 80's classic rock riffs to set a fire beneath cindy's lyrics to shoot them off into the stratosphere. vocals are a perfect fit for the music,