Who Am I?

by @gmcgath

Who Am I?

Liner Notes

This song has been demanding for a while that I write it, and watching the new video of "We Are Who We Are" gave me the push. It's a reaction to the pushing of people into categories and thinking that reveals everything there is to know about them, of treating "identity" as a single physical characteristic.


Who Am I?
Lyrics and Music: Gary McGath, Copyright 2024

You ask me to let you know who I am.
You want it in just one word.
How can I explain that it can't be done?
What you want is absurd.

Am I my nation, am I my skin?
Those are one little part.
Though I can't deny that they shape my life,
There's much more since the start.

Am I all the groups which I have joined?
They help me live and thrive,
But can I agree with their every word?
We're not a Borg beehive.

Am I those who mean the most to me?
Without them, I'd be glum.
Still each of them is a life apart.
We aren't each other's sum.

What I am is what I say and think,
The things I feel and do.
Please look at the ways I am unique,
I'll do the same for you.

That is my identity, all I am,
The ways I'm weak or strong.
I am not a label, a single word,
So do not see me wrong.

For everyone is one of a kind,
Each has a private quest,
And everyone's road is a different way,
Apart from all the rest.

Come join me a while if our paths should meet,
And maybe you'll want to stay,
But let's celebrate our difference.
We each have our own way.


We all have multitudes. Great song and love the piano!