Toujours et Toujours

by @newukenewyork

Liner Notes

“Toujours et Toujours” - #fawm 50/90 2024 song 47

I just need to stress that I am not trying to sound French — I built the lyrics of this song around the sort of “franglais” midwestern high school students (like I was once) speak. Or like in an Hercule Poirot novel, where there’s just a little bit of French sprinkled in.

But I’d never encourage a French-speaking person to listen to this song, sorry if you are one listening now! I think the writing prompt was to use a foreign language in the lyrics. I did find one grammatical (tense) mistake I’m going to fix.

My husband and I have “toujours et toujours” engraved in our titanium wedding bands. I have always loved that it means both “always” and “still.” We used to sign letters and postcards to each other that way.

5 lyric drafts left to finish from 2023…

All my originals:

#fuc #acoustic #acousticonetake #ukulele #personwithukulele #onetake #girlwithukulele #singersongwriter #midemfoke #franglais


I found you in French Class
I wished us a wish
We may never have Paris,
Mais could nous be wrong?
Our hearts beat together
Je pense que you’re bliss
You remind me of poèmes —
I wrote you a song

I love you, my darling
Toujours et toujours
Still and forever
I’ll always be yours

A wintry infinity
Figure-eight skate
The loops lined with plaisir
My hand in your glove
Embellish the ice:
Our initials, the date
In sharply carved cursive
J’ai vu où I was


Écris-le in a ring of tungsten
Écris-le in a ring of gold
Écris-le with a tattoo gun
I’ll wear it when we’re très très old
Don’t tell the French je suis à vous
Toujours et toujours…
Toujours et toujours…



This is lovely! I hope your hubby likes this. Cuz we sure did!
c'est une chanson tellement délicieuse ! je l'aime! makes me smile!!!! love your midwestern franglais!!!! sweet!
I love the story behind this song - thank you for sharing. Wonderful story telling, clever weaving of the french words in your lyrics, and a beautiful soaring melody nicely sung.