Bad Steal

by @lamerabbit

There is no demo for this song.


There is no best,
Then came the rest,
Fuck the test of time,
Festive joy of crime

Yeah I just wrote it
and it is shit
or it is the shit
but the point is

However you like it
You like what you like
The beat is true
opinion leader is untrue

I opened that door
To get more
To start a war

Feels like fun
There is a war

This rant here
Contains a steal
We are ants
Whose end is near

How much to steal
Is this problem real
I wanna feel
your bad deal


I'm intrigued by your lyrics. I sort of feel like I should sit with each stanza on its own and consider the idea, then sew it all together. I'd love to hear this one!
"I opened that door
To get more
To start a war"
is a favorite.