Tangled Bolero (Havana Moon)

by @jeff9 · @russkeys

Liner Notes

#latin #bolero
Dropped in for a listen to this cool little thing by Russ and was instantly reminded of a number called "Abondonado" by the Iguanas that I've always loved, so I asked him if we might team up and try to do something along those lines. Not sure what has emerged is exactly what either of us initially had in mind, but it was a nice change of pace for me and hopefully doesn't stray too far from his intent. Thanks, Russ, for letting me play with it.


Tangled Bolero (Havana Moon)
Music by Russ Kalen & Jeff Walker
Lyrics by Jeff Walker

Impossible as it may seem
I can feel your heartbeat
Across a crowded room
So take my hand
Dance with me tonight
Beneath the warm Havana moon

Guitars played by trovadores
Make the poincianas sway
Please let me be
Your favorite memory
Of warm nights on your Cuban holiday

So now we stroll along the sand
Won’t you let me hold you
Or maybe it’s too soon
A falling star
And you confess your wish
A kiss beneath the warm Havana moon

The next time you hear the bolero
Smell the butterfly jasmine in bloom
Remember me
And our midnight dance
Beneath the warm Havana moon


Oh, my, that lower register for your voice is quite something. This is a lovely song. So glad you guys got together!
Loved the instrumental and now enjoying so much your 3-way collaboration. I feel like being there. So inviting, warm, happy, wonderful, unforgettable. What beautiful, warm, sincere and enjoyable to listen to singing and playing. Movie song! It is so visual and sensational. Absolutely love it. It makes me want to smile and feel that life is beautiful and full of good things to experience.
I forget how great "Latin music" is! I need to do some. Terrific job on this collaboration. (I listened to the original to see what y'all did to it--very impressive!) ❤️
I can smell the cigar smoke and feel the warm night breeze..great imagery...well done!
So seductive and romantic...a gorgeous collaboration that lifts the heart and soothes the soul!
I wanted to hear what this sounds like with words and vocal - love it!
Always wanted to go to Cuba - we have plenty of awesome Cuban vibe here in southwest Florida. And I love poinciana trees.
Superb collab!
OMG this is fantastic! Your sultry voice and lyrics really do wonders for this little tune. I love the little guitar bits in the background. Bravo!
Oh gosh, the flavor of this! This is timeless and Latin magic! I think I can smell that jasmine! Stunning!
Ooooh… really digging this!! Nice change-up, Jeff. Barely recognized your voice. I’m a sucker for Latin vibes. Seductive dance moves are dancing in my head - lol! Woo hoo!