Things That Make You Happy

by @musicsongwriter

Skirmish: Crayon Heart (@cartoonboyfriend)

Liner Notes

Happy music for a change. The skirmish prompt made me think about what makes us happy. Remembering how excited were felt as children. This was before computers, mobile phones, when simple decorations and games could make us happy. Anticipating what we would get for Christmas when we couldn't give a list to our relatives, but waited for a miracle of getting something we wanted so much. When we felt the whole life was in front of us, and so many things were so exciting.

Thank you for listening and commenting. Please let me know if you would like to collaborate with me.

#skirmish #acoustic #kids #christmas #collaborationswelcome

'Things That Make You Happy' © 2024 Nadia Cripps, Music, Piano, Demo and Photo by Nadia Cripps.


I totally relate to what you described in your liner notes Nadia, and I really feel the simple true joy in this beautiful uplifting piece! I like the low droning single chord on every beat in the left hand, and the higher bright melody in the right. Together it is truly enchanting, and pulls your right into the magic. Well done!
You mention Christmas in the liner notes and this has a happy Christmas feeling to it - and nostalgia, as someone else commented. Maybe part of that happy nostalgia is created by the consistent left hand rhythmic chords.
The cute photo reminds me of piano lesson props 😊
I love the happy feel as the lovely melody bounces along. It conveys so much joy and makes me smile!
the melody has a very lyrical quality! i can hear the words "things that make you happy" in there :) the song begins with such pure warmth and moves through a bit of nostalgia, ending with that glowing heart :D
Very happy with excitement and such a wonderful melody!