Slow Cavern - SLOTHCORE

by @candle

Liner Notes

#slothcore #noise #一sýƶýģý一 #36一bpm #hg一fortune #ambient #jeskola #jeskola一buzz


It took me long enough…

To be fair, I did start a couple of #slothcore tracks but they stumbled in the mud, so to speak. This one is a success. I started it this afternoon on my lunch ½ hour & finished it up tonight at home. It uses a whole bunch of HG Fortune VSTi's including: Plutonia, Anvilla Pro, Laser Blade S, & Fortune Cookie 2012. Threw some native Buzz Machine effects on top of some of those HG Fortune tones & had fun playing around at 36 BPM. I'm glad I finally got a #slothcore track finished.

See You In The Shadows…

p.s. I got a crazy idea to extrapolate some more out of this song. Stay tuned for that…


Jeskola Buzz


A screen shot of the Sequencer View of the Jeskola Buzz project for the song.

This song is released under Creative Commons CC0 (Public Domain). Do with it as you will. If anyone wants a copy of the Buzz project, drop me a note on my soundboard…


I was just vibing on the low frequencies until the electricity came in and gave me a jolt. These are some menacing underworld sloths armed with tasers. The chorusy sound makes it seem like a whole army approaching. The naps made it all the more jarring. Excellent, exciting piece.
Really dark atmosphere, that cutting sound is like it's trying to break through the wall of the cavern and attack, think you're safe and then it returns to chase!
I'm not a fun of ambienty non-melodic stuff, but this thing too agressive for ambient, so I like it. Actually listened to whole "trilogy of caverns" - this is something! Also learned about nap-pause term)))
Drama Sloth-side. New to this genre and it sounds appealing and interesting
Great picture.
Looks almost like one of HR Geiger's biomechanical paintings.
Oh yeah, this is shaping up nicely in the headphones.
Like some huge sea monster rising from the deep.
Ah, now it's like electricity arcing between two things that make electricity arc between them.
The nightmare is over.
Gah! No it's not!!
So nice.
Creepy and ominous.
Had to listen to this several times, *and* I've downloaded it for later enjoyment in headphones. This starts out deliciously ominous, like I'm hearing the sounds of an approaching herd of distant didgeridoos, then becomes sharp and viciously intense as waves of sound envelop the listener. We have more of a breathing space than an opportunity for a nap, and then the push to an overwhelming finish. Stunning!

And—H G Fortune, that's a blast from the past. Is it really ten years since Guenter passed away? :-(
Anything that starts with a deep drone like that has to be awesome. The bells-like sounds' solemnity, then the scratchy wave (guitar with loads of fuzz?), and then the pitched weirdness slowly whirling... This is all excellent.
I like the the way it all wakes up after the pause, brutally and uncompromisingly, before letting us go, wondering what kind of journey we've done.
Another great piece of yours.
Super cool, eerie, powerful opening. Nice chord progression, like the big monster is digging through the trash cans in a big, dark, ugly city. And then he moves on, and the city settles back down into slumber.