A Little Bit of Water

by @hmstreetteam · @brohachomuchacho

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Lyrics by @hmstreetteam
Music by @brohachomuchacho


Is this just one drop of rain
Or do I have to get out of this riverbed
What do the breezes tell me
About the clouds passing overhead

It’s been a long dry spell
And the ground is too hot to touch
Is that finally over
Or am I hoping for too much

A little bit of water
Takes away your thirst
Water all at once
That’s the worst

I can feel that change is coming
I’ve been asking for it for ages
But really I don’t mind
If the changes come in stages

A little at a time
Then I can take it day by day
Not a flood that comes along
To sweep everything away

A little bit of water
Takes away your thirst
Water all at once
That’s the worst

Lightning thunder
I know that sound
It’s telling me
To move to higher ground

A little bit of water
Takes away your thirst
Water all at once
That’s the worst


That second verse rang so true to me. We have had a long drought here in Catalunya and the heat this year has sapped my will to live and certainly curtailed my creativity.

I like how you convince me of your narrator's genuine dichotomy between longing for rain and fearing that when it comes it will be a deluge.
Brilliant suspenseful write: i am right there ne t to you in the riverbed looking up for clouds.