How Got Can One Man Get

by @jeff9 · @mctown · @vaughan

Liner Notes

#country #rockabilly #boogie or something
I kept fiddling with different styles for this one and I finally just went with tis one because I was having fun with it and I wanted to get something on my home board this summer that had a little zip to it. It's probably not the perfect treatment for Graham/Daniels' solid country lyric, but like Tommy Lee Jones' sheriff character said in No Country For Old Men: "If it ain't a mess, it'll do 'til one gets here".


How Got Can One Man Get?
Lyrics - Graham/Daniel
Music - Jeff Walker

The woman has me trained
Yeah, everything has changed
Since the day I asked to drive her home
Now she's started to
Control everything I do
I have to face the truth 'cause now I know

Just how got can one man get?
How can I stop what I can't resist?
She has the right credentials
To top my essentials list
Just how got can one man get?

I could see it comin'
but I wasn't into runnin'
Lord knows that woman sure could kiss
The kisses led to touch'n
Soon I couldn't get enough'n
It didn't take too long till she was it

repeat chorus:

She got me goin' and got me stopped
She''s got the key and got me locked
But when that sun comes down..
That woman knows I'm the one...
That she's gonna rock....

repeat chorus:


Yeehaw. Solid piece. Sounds like I've been doing too little listening (and too few songs too, damn!) as I believe this is the first one from this combo. This shit is good.
its the 3 amigos again! oh a but different slightly more alt country, interesting lyric and singing off the beat. nicely done.
Great title and lyric and of course, the song is handled expertly in the hands of @jeff9 and I'm lovin' it!
Thanks for the opportunity to work on this cool lyric to you and David, Vaughan!
Yeehaw! My favorite Country Threesome have collaborated again--and everything you guys do comes out radio-ready. SUPERB!! ❤️
a rollicking tune with a monster of a hook. it took me awhile of looking at that title before i could sort out the grammar, but when you sing it, everything fell right into place.
Super country tune! Must be a southern phrase... LOL
This is perfectly country! When country wasn't rap. Thanks, Jeff and David!! 😀
I am liking what I'm hearing too.. Thanks for the catch, Vaughan... but Jeff knows... no biggie... Very cool uptempo song... I like it a lot...
Did a little double-take reading the title. And then I "got it" - lol! Hey, Jeff, this one is really fun and retains the style of this triple threat! Nice collab! I expect to hear it playing next time I'm in Nashville. :)