Stone in My Hand

by @kahlo2013

Skirmish: "THE STONE IN MY HAND" (@corinnecurcio)
Stone in My Hand

Liner Notes

#country #needsmusic #needscollab #collaborationswelcome

I loved this prompt - within a minute of seeing it a chorus popped in my head and the song was done within minutes. I love when the muse flies in and writes for me!

The melody in my head as I wrote it was country and I had an AI app generate one version as I know some people prefer hearing a song rather than reading a lyric …


Stone in My Hand

the stone in my hand
the pebble in my shoe
the rock in my pocket
all remind me of you…

I can’t forget
holding your hand
on long walks
across this land
I will always hold
your love close
whatever I do…
wherever I go…..

the stone in my hand
the pebble in my shoe
the rock in my pocket
all remind me of you…

I’ll think about
your gentle soul
I’ll remember
your heart of gold
I will always
feel your glow
whatever I do…
wherever I go…..

the stone in my hand
the pebble in my shoe
the rock in my pocket
all remind me of you…

stones pebbles rocks
from the earth below
the bedrock of this
life I know…
helps me keep my hold
on your love that shines
shines with the bright stars
down through time …

(1st x acapella/minimal music, 2nd x full)
the stone in my hand
the pebble in my shoe
the rock in my pocket
all remind me of you…

the stone in my hand
the pebble in my shoe
the rock in my pocket
all remind me of you…


Some great idiom choices for the chorus! The parallelism in the verses works really well. Great use of the imagery.
Brilliant chorus, structure, images. Very singlable and inspiring lyrics.
Fine evocation of the power of love and stone. Our earliest human civilizations were built of stone and with stones and probably a lot of love.
What a great chorus!. Really nice lyrics all around. Glad the prompt inspired you!
A more romantic take on souvenirs. It all flows well, and the grounding effect with the bedrock in the bridge adds more depth of meaning. A feel-good song!
This flowed right out of you and to each one of us! Full of love and exceptional writing!
Yes it was a great prompt! Excellent work with it to Liz - the hooky chorus definitely has a country flavor. Good verses, and I really like the bridge a lot, especially how you use "stones pebbles rocks" again, also the line "the bedrock of this life I know" - great skirmish!
Captured magic right there!
This is excellent! Very catchy chorus and the whole song sounds very musical. Hope you get someone to provide music for it.