Grasping At Straws

by @headfirstonly Mod

Grasping At Straws

Liner Notes

Although this is still what I'd call #prog, I wanted to try something a bit different here. I never use drum loops, for a start; the vocals are bone dry with no reverb at all; rather than Jazz Bass, I'm playing #chapmanstick; there's only ever one guitar to be heard (and none at all in the verses or prechorus); and the lyrics are a departure, I reckon. It still sounds like me, of course. But I'm happy to have experimented a bit.


You reap the harvest
but sow no seed
You always take
what others need

Nothing you've planted
will bear you fruit
You're just a monster
In a human suit

You're asking me to join a fight
We have no common cause
How could you think that you were right,
reduced to grasping at straws?

While others push
You love to pull
All of us empty
While you're so full

A void inside you
A gaping hole
A bleak despair
Beyond control


You have a chapmanstick and you know how to play it! That's amazing. The dry vocal is very good and it lets the warmth of your voice come through clearly. I agree with the Peter Gabriel comments The lyrics fit the music and performance very well.
This is a fantastic arrangement and choice of drum loops and instruments. Message is clear well done
Def Peter Gabriel sounding, loved your vocal articulation. Super interesting song!
It great to try new things and approaches. So many different elements in this that "ADD" to the vocal 'raw" sound. I think you are on to something Chris.
The change at 2.12 with the bells and synth...great build and drop
First thought as it starts: Depeche Mode! Then: Peter Gabriel!

Wow! this is brilliant! Even more because of the sparse instrumentation and superb mix!
Really enjoyed this!