
by @philkmills


Liner Notes

#filk #country (Three chords and no truth whatsoever.) #funny (I hope.)

I don't know why I was thinking about werewolves, but it led me to a mental image of a normal wolf that becomes human once a month.


One night each month, I lose my fur,
Becoming weak and pale.
My body’s wrapped in coloured cloth;
I haven’t any tail.
I clamber up my chosen tree
And tremble in its branches.
I think my wolf pack loves me still,
But I’m not taking chances.

It’s a long, dark wait for the waning to end
And a new crescent light to appear.
If a werewolf changes when the moon is full
I guess you can call me wolfwere.

The group’s reaction varies some:
Disgust to wolf-y jests.
Like, “Deer or mutant, we should learn
Which one tastes the best.”
I try to reassure my mate
I’d rather join their prowling.
My non-wolf voice forms random “words”
That make less sense than howling.

It’s a long, dark wait for the waning to end
And a new crescent light to appear.
If a werewolf changes when the moon is full
I guess you can call me wolfwere.

All my inbred cravings are
Replaced for this one day
And, though irrational, I fear
I’d starve if left this way
When the pack brings home a hare,
The hungriest may share it
But, raw, it turns my stomach,
Leaves me yearning for a carrot.

It’s a long, dark wait for the waning to end
And a new crescent light to appear.
If a werewolf changes when the moon is full
I guess you can call me wolfwere.

This all began one winter night
When I was young and brave.
I trespassed where the humans live
To learn how they behave.
One, hair-covered, met me there
And looked intent on fighting.
One warning I will give for free,
“Look close at what you’re biting!”

It’s a long, dark wait for the waning to end
And a new crescent light to appear.
If a werewolf changes when the moon is full
I guess you can call me wolfwere.


So clever, and at times absolutely hilarious! I almost spit out my coffee on "Leaves me yearning for a carrot",
very different, clever lyric pretty humouress! nice guitar again! clever fun song
That’s an interesting twist on the werewolf tale. Lovely guitar. It’s really quite relaxing, which contrasts well with the monster lyrics.
Brilliantly dark and funny lyric, delightful guitar/vocal take. One of my favorites this 50/90!