Lend Me Your Ear / Unconsidered Pointless Utterance to a Void Pt. 2

by @charlie_leemburg

Skirmish: Wistful Yearning or Longi... (@kahlo2013)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

We all yearn to be heard.

10% of chronological sort is challenges or skirmishes
43% of magic sort is challenges or skirmishes


Woah, do you wanna hear my song?
Do you wanna hear my wrongs?
Do you wanna know what I long for?

Don't lend me your hand
Lend me your ear
Grab my hands
While I'm falling of the cliff
For I cannot fly

Woah, do you wanna hear my song?
Do you wanna have some fun?
Do you wanna leave somebody when they need you most?

Don't lend me your hand
Lend me your ear
Grab my hands
When I've gone off the deep end
And I cannot swim

Woah, do you wanna hear my song?
Do you wanna know what's wrong?
Or do you want to neglect, feelings that leave you a wreck?

Don't lend me your hand
Lend me your ear
Grab my hands
While I'm falling of the cliff
For I cannot fly yet


I like the way you are essentially telling someone to "put up or shut up" in a very nice way. People often ask, "What's wrong?" but rarely want to know the answer.
Good strong rhetoric, a call to action, but a corrective one for those who may have misunderstood a situation.
I love the title. And the slight differences in the chorus (especially that "yet")
I like the longing for support in the chorus as rhetorical answers to the questions posed in the verses. It is very effective. And the change up at the end of each chorus is works really well. Thanks for joining in and sharing your great response to the prompt!