Where the wildflowers grow

by @villedog

Where the wildflowers grow

Liner Notes

I made a song base (guitar, bass, drums) and it became just an ordinary rock song. Well maybe glam rock.
But then something happened. My daughter Laura made lyrics and melody and sang the song. Suddenly it became alive and special, a song.


Like blackbirds only singing in the night
I don’t need all this hustle and bright lights
Might just pack my bags and hide
Somewhere I can run and fly my kite

And I won’t
Look back
And miss these
Dreams of

So come find me
When you learn to let go
Then I’ll meet you
Where the wildflowers grow

Some place where we never need to pretend
Or count our worth in numbers and fame
But find the happiness in dancing in the rain
Where you don’t need to know my name

And I won’t
Look back
And miss these
Dreams of

So come find me
When you learn to let go
Then I’ll meet you
Where the wildflowers grow


I second pretty much what @andrea said. Great production, congratulations to both of you, meaningful lyrics, and great rock band.
Wow, that‘s great. I love this a lot, thank you!
Well, holy smokes! The track is awesome. Love the catchy riffs and rocking guitars. I love glam metal! Your daughter is amazing. I like the lyrics, and that hook line is fabulous. Her vocals and performance had me drooling. You guys make an amazing team. I love this song 👏👏💖💖