
by @hornesgiftshop


Liner Notes

Something else I can't stand is songwriters using songs as a mere diary entry. Until I do it and then it's great. Anyway today was good, as you'll hear.



Roses are out in the garden
The wind's blowing in from the east
The MRI came back this morning
Showing "no structural abnormalities"
There's "minimal small vessel change"
And that can be put down to age
I'm nearly sixty

Yesterday I was walking with my girlfriend
Hand in hand down to Portobello beach
We've been keeping it quiet for reasons
But it's good to be out and be seen
My neighbour saw us, smiled, 'Hello Jon'.
I meant what I said, I'm not moving on
I'm just living

Roses are out in the garden
My daughter's gone back to school
She managed to get her shit together
And I remembered to shine her shoes
I still need to buy A Streetcar Named Desire
But I've already got Close Range
By E Annie Proulx

Roses are out in the garden
Roses are out in the garden


Hooray for diary entries for any reason at all :-)
It's sweet to hear that roses are out in the garden.
I like this piano vamp rolling along like a garden stroll between the verses.
Firstly, that piano is sublime and secondly, those lyrics are wonderfully descriptive and uplifting...
Long may your roses bloom!