To the one who follows in the shadows

by @complexissimple

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

I seem to be on a roll today. Apparently all it takes is to watch a musical.


To the one who follows in the shadows:
Don't you ever step out into the light.
Keep your cloak of darkness, it completes you.
Don't believe you're not completely right.

If I fade someday I'll come and see you -
Read over the letters that I write -
Wonder why the days I passed so many
When I could have embraced holy night.

While away the hours til you see me
I know it cannot be so long now
I can feel your presence, do you feel me
So close always yet so far somehow

Do you ever wished you'd been a writer
Responding to the letters I have left
I know most of them - no all - were nonsense.
But you have to take the drivel that you get

Are you truly there, collecting letters?
Or are you just a figment of my mind
Maybe the wind blows away the parchments
Erasing all the words I left behind

Maybe nothing I have written matters
As it would if seen by others' eyes
Maybe tears and ink and bloody spatters
All will never last, they're only lies

Maybe when you see me from the shadows
You should turn your head and walk away
I am not much, nor my letters, God knows
Forget me, I am only something of the day

I want to ask you for so many favors
But if you know me, it only goes one way
Don't waste your time on foolish selfish letters
Even if I might someday fade away


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