Some Day (I'll Learn My Lesson)

by @complexissimple

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

I have a melody for the chorus but I may forget it by the time I get around to the other part. I'm not too fussed.


Some day
Isn't coming
No way
I feel it thrumming every moment
But it is for rent
Not a thing to have and keep and cuddle in your sleep
When lonely

[Verse? Bridge? Thing that isn't Chorus]
I've got to drive through my skull
I've got to learn that it's this dull
For forever
There's no use dreaming pretty dreams
That fall apart at all their seams
Keep stitching
Darns in all your socks
If you've a mind to keep your feet
Keep bitching
Opportunities don't knock
You're liable to lose your seat
At least you've got one, mind it
The future's not so kind it
Looks just like the now but with more wear

[Repeat until catharsis I guess]


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