Zero (0) F#cks To Give

by @tcelliott


Liner Notes

#hardrock #postpunk

My name is T.C. E and it's been (counts on fingers) 1 week since I bought a new guitar. And I used it on this song. Lyric written way back on 18 July and music done today. Going through some of the ideas I never finished toward the start of the challenge.

Blurb from AI:
"0 Fucks to Give" is a bold and unapologetic anthem that captures the essence of letting go and embracing an unfiltered mindset. With gritty vocals and a driving beat, this track delivers a raw energy that resonates with anyone who's ever felt the need to cut through the noise and speak their truth. The edgy lyrics, combined with a catchy melody, make this song a perfect expression of defiance and self-empowerment. Whether you're at the gym, on the road, or just need a sonic pick-me-up, "0 Fucks to Give" is your go-to track for turning up the volume and turning down the nonsense.


I show up like I'm S'pposed to
I come to work on time
But these fucking assholes
They keep breaking my mind

I don't give a fuck 'bout what they say
I'll outwork them each and every day

Zero fucks to give
It's more than I can take
I say live and let live
Until my peace of mind's at stake
Don't say I didn't warn you
I've zero fucks to give
This is more than I could ever take

Don't misunderstand me
I try to get along
But this is fucking bullshit
You've all been doing me wrong

I don't give a fuck about what they say
I'll outwork them each and every day

Zero fucks to give
It's more than I can take
I say live and let live
Until my peace of mind's at stake
Don't say I didn't warn you
I've zero fucks to give
This is more than I could ever take

There are assholes everywhere
And I think I know why
We let them get away with it
We tend to let things slide

But I don't give a fuck about what they say
I'll outwork them each and every day

Zero fucks to give
It's more than I can take
I say live and let live
Until my peace of mind's at stake
Don't say I didn't warn you
I've zero fucks to give
This is more than I could ever take
This is more than I could ever take
This is more than we should ever take!


Sounds like Mudhoney. Hell yeah!
Welcome, TC. The road to recovery is right through the door marked "Guitar Center" 😉 But really, whatever you bought must be worth it to inspire this. It's too late at night for me to crank the volume so I'll have to come back for another listen because this screams to be played full-blast.
Holy cow this just slams you right in the face! Great rock. Such raw energy. I like the attitude. And if course the power of the guitars gets a huge thumbs up.
Love the sharp pointed attitude and great punk groove that bring to this song! Lyrics and music are a perfect marriage! I have no doubt this would be a hit!
Love it mate, I love this angry style and the guitar smashed it along! Would be a cool live song, you would need to practise your snarly lip! Very cool mate
A strong entry in the punk space, like the phrase zero fucks to give. There are assholes everywhere, lol. Like that line.